Thursday, May 3, 2012

Seek Ye First...

When I was a child I didn't always listen to my Mother. I know, contain your shock. One of the things she used to say to me all the time was: "Raquel, do you think I talk just to hear myself?" I think God has the right to ask us the same question. I say that based on a "duh" moment I had this morning. Yesterday morning, it was my intention to wake up and spend my time with the Lord before beginning the days tasks. However, when I woke up I was still groggy and didn't want to get out of bed yet. So I asked my sister to give me her laptop and I stayed in bed playing on the computer for about an hour. I was still thinking that spending time with the Lord was next. After the computer, I wanted to get my shower. So I did, still thinking time with the Lord was next. After the shower, I remembered I had laundry that needed done and I needed to get quarters. So I ran out to do that and stopped at Dunkin Donuts for breakfast. When I arrived back home, I intended to put a load in the washer, then grab my Bible. Well, my sister needed a ride to work. One task lead to another and before I knew it I was on my way to Wexford for a 1pm lunch appointment. I did manage to sneak a peek at my devotional book - at 4pm! I didn't seek the Lord first, and I ended up not seeking Him at all. So this morning I was determined not to do that again. I got up, grabbed my coffee (at home, not Dunkin Donuts) and got into the Word. And guess what... He spoke to me with specifics for my day. Imagine that! I bet He wanted to do the same thing yesterday. I guess that's why His Word tells us to seek first, because if we don't seek first, we won't seek at all. It was then I was reminded of my Mother's voice asking me if I think she talks just to hear herself. Whether consciously or not, I wonder how often we think that God speaks the precepts in His Word because He is on an authority high. Does He give us these rules and lists of do's and don't because He has the power and authority? Nope. He gives them because He loves us and cares for us. Any good parent tells their child to not touch a hot stove or to make sure they brush their teeth. They do that for the child's well being. God is a perfect parent. When He tells us to seek Him first, it's not so that He has a better day, it is so that we do.

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