Sunday, April 29, 2012

Eyes to See

Remember the show Touched By An Angel? When it was on primetime television, I watched it all the time. I thought some episodes were great, while others were a little cheesy. However, there was one episode that will stick with me forever - the series finale. When the series was coming to an end, they aired a two hour finale titled I Will Walk With You. The first time I saw it I not only cried like a baby (no surprise there) but the hair on my arms was standing up and I had chills down my spine. Well, thanks to Netflix, I watched it again this weekend. I won't tell the whole story, but there was town whose people were devastated by a terrible tradegy. As they struggled to deal with their pain and loss, both as individuals and as a community, their eyes had become blinded. All they saw was their own circumstance and their own pain. The scary thing was Satan himself was actually among them. He walked with them and talked with them. He lied and caused division among them because that's what he does. The people could not see him because all they saw was their own mess. As scary as that was, it was scary and sad to note what else they couldn't see: Jesus. Jesus was right there with them and they didn't know. In fact, they started seeing Jesus as the cause of their problems, not the solution. (The writers must have read Scripture before writing this episode). So I watched it again. I was amazed. I cried. I got chills. And I fell into the same trap. We fall so easily. Our circumstances become all we see. I wonder how many times I have missed the presence of the Lord in the midst of difficult circumstances. And I wonder how many times the enemy was at work and I thought it was other people. Oh for eyes to see. In the devotional I am reading, it says we can let our problems bring us down into a sea of self-pity. On the contrary, we can turn our problems into a ladder and climb up and see things from the Lord's perspective. I need that divine enablement to do just that.

1 comment:

  1. I am really enjoying your blogs. Keep them coming. Let's talk soon
