Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Unexpected Blessings

Yesterday I learned another valuable lesson in humility and trust. I was invited to lunch by a fellow deacon. I know this person and have always liked her, but I hesitated to go to lunch with her. I have been so down in the dumps lately and when I get like that I tend to only want to be around those closest to me. The only problem I was having is that those closest to me where nowhere to be found. Admittedly, my pride was in the way. I knew this person would ask some personal questions and I was ashamed to talked about them. Knowing that pride and shame are not things that belong in the heart of a believer, I accepted her invitation. I ended up being blessed far beyond what I ever could have imagined. Not only did I receive a huge material blessing, but worth far more I received the gift of her understanding and empathy. When I told her of three huge personal losses I have suffered in a short period of time, she totally understood how devasting it was for me. Until that lunch, I have yet to find someone who could articulate their understanding of my pain. It brought a comfort that I can't even fully explain. So what's the lesson? During this season of trial and loss, I knew God would take care of me. I knew He would provide for me and support me with care. However, I had it all figured out as to how He would bring the blessing. I assumed (yes, I know what they say about that) that God would use those closest to me to care for me. However, God intended to bring my blessing through an unexpected vessel. It left me wondering... how many other people did I shut out because they weren't in my inner circle? How much blessing did I miss out on? On Sunday, Pastor Doug spoke of waking up early and asking God what He would like us to do with our day. Maybe, if I had done that, I would have received what He had for me, however He wanted to deliver it. Instead, I wasted time looking at closed doors and lamenting the closures. I think this is another way that we unknowningly play god in our own lives. We plan, design, assume, and sculpt the days events and simply ask for His blessing. When we truly allow God to be God and ordain our every moment - we receive far more than we ever could have planned for ourselves. I pray this is a lesson that I won't need taught again!

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