Monday, October 23, 2017

Child-like Faith

This morning I woke up before the alarm went off. Having my priorities straight, the first thing I did was tap my phone and look at the Facebook newsfeed. It was there that I received the news that Dr. David Minor, Sr. of Gospel Tabernacle in Coudersport, PA had passed away. Thinking about him and the many lives he impacted, my thoughts then wandered to our own Pastor Freedom Blackwell, who is also in the presence of Jesus. I remembered how often he would say: “this is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.” He didn’t just say it, he lived it. Even throughout his battle and eventual loss to cancer, he knew that God had made every day and even though all of our circumstances were not good, the day was guided by our good, good Father and that was reason to rejoice.

And then there is me. I don’t naturally think that way. Left to my own devices, my thoughts become consumed with what I like, what I don’t like, and what I want to change. If I am brutally honest, sometimes I feel I can help God out a bit, and inform Him how the days can be better and what He can do to fix it. In any case, rejoicing is not always at the top of my to-do list. So, as I laid in bed this morning, I chastised myself for not being more like Pastor Freedom.

Then I got up, made my bed (again, priorities) and headed upstairs to my “War Room” to spend time with the Lord. As I made my way to the place I set up for these moments, I passed a nook that contains games and other things I use when I have my mentee. Included in this nook is a small collection of vintage Strawberry Shortcake dolls. These were my absolute favorite toy as a child. I lived in the land of Strawberry Shortcake. I smiled when I saw the dolls, but I didn’t think they had anything to do with my time with the Lord so I sat down and began to pray. I read through Philippians – the book I turn to when I need to adjust my stinkin thinkin, and I prayed for the Holy Spirit to continue to transform me. Two things were stuck in my head – and I can probably bet these two things have never been combined in the same sentence: Pastor Freedom and Strawberry Shortcake dolls! I kept dismissing the thoughts, thinking they were keeping me from focusing on the Lord. However, in prayer they kept coming back so I asked the Lord if He was trying to show me something.

He asked me why I loved those Strawberry Shortcake dolls. It is not because they were my favorite childhood toy. It is because of what they represent. They represent the happiest time of my life. The time when I perceived the world to be perfect. The time before I understood what problems were.

For the first 9 years of my life, it was just me and my mom - no dad, no siblings. Other people came and went, but my mom was the constant. There were the usual ups and downs, but as far as my young eyes could tell, life was perfect. It really wasn’t, but I didn’t know that. We were poor, but I had no idea. I wasn’t hungry. I had clothing and shelter. I had fun things to play with (Strawberry Shortcakes), and most of all I wasn’t hungry for love. I was my mother’s world. I needed nothing. I was happy. I wasn’t trying to make life better or wish for things I didn’t have. I was simply enjoying life. Why? Because my mother loved me and she had all the important stuff of life under control. I had nothing to worry about – it was her concern. I was her concern and I trusted her completely. I had some bad moments, scary moments, but overall life was great. She was controlling, I was enjoying. Ah what bliss.

So, what does any of this have to do with Pastor Freedom? Pastor Freedom had child-like faith. Even when moments were bad or scary, he knew his Daddy had everything under control. That knowledge left him free to simply enjoy life – and leave the controlling and the outcome to the One who was in charge, the One who loved him and cared for him and provided for his every need. That is why he was able to say and live, with joy and with confidence, “this is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it”.

When I was young, I had childlike faith – in my mother. This morning God showed me that I need that same child-like faith in Him. Oh man, if I can truly put that child-like faith into practice, how much easier, less-stressful, and enjoyable life would be.

I’m a grown up now (chronologically, anyway). I have responsibilities. I cannot spend my day playing. However, I also do not need to spend my day stressing, worrying, controlling, fixing, and trying to make life “right”. It’s not my job. When I take it on like it’s my job, I become burdened and unhappy.

This morning God comforted me with warm memories of my childhood with mom, now memorialized by a few vintage dolls. With that memory, He brought the encouragement that He is now handling all my affairs. This is the day that the Lord has made. I am free to rejoice and be glad in it… with childlike faith.

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