Thursday, January 2, 2014

Did God Really Say?

As I mentioned in yesterday’s post, I have had several blog topics on the stove. Some of them were a little heavy and I hesitated to post heavy stuff during Christmas. Plus, as I mentioned, I just wasn’t in a blogging mood. Tonight, some surprising events turned up on Facebook that turned up the heat on one of the burners of the stove - and a topic is boiling over, causing a blog post.

The thought for this blog post originated on December 10th, the evening I was in a classroom instead of at the All Worship Night. Due to bad weather, we had a final exam and a group speech presentation on the same night. My classmates and I got there early to rehearse our speech and load our power point on to the computer. About 20 minutes before the start of class, we sat down to do some last minute studying for the final exam.

A couple of students began chatting with the professor. The awkward part was that one student was on my left and the other was on my right and the professor was in front of me. They decided to bash the Catholic church. Ironic – sitting in a Catholic University. But whatever. I didn’t participate. I kept looking at my study guide. Their conversation morphed into bashing all churches, though they all admitted to attending one presently. Still looking at my study guide, I hear the professor say “well the Bible has errors in it.”

That made me sad, but I still didn’t look up. The girl to my left says “it’s all about love and peace”. I wanted to scream “no honey, the 60s were all about love and peace! The Bible is about Jesus.” Eventually, the professor noticed that I had been staring at the same paragraph on the study guide for 20 minutes and says to me: “I hope we are not offending you, Raquel”.

I was offended – but not with those three ladies. I was offended because once again I could sense the most horrific sound there has ever been – the sound of the enemy laughing. I could sense that sinister snicker as he continues to deceive people with the exact same lie used to deceive Eve in the Garden of Eden. He has been saying the same lie since the beginning of time, and we keep falling for it – making his job so easy.

Just before the holidays, North Way did a sermon series called Enemy in the Shadows and they discussed some of the enemy’s tactics. Pastor Kent spoke about the tools of deception and doubt. We all know the story … God puts Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. The garden was filled with trees of many kinds and God tells them they may eat the fruit of ANY tree in the garden EXCEPT one. That was it. Happy eating – just don’t eat from one tree. In Genesis 3 the enemy comes along and says “did God really say that you must not eat from ANY of the trees in the garden?”. Note how he twisted God’s words just slightly – but changed the whole meaning. God never said they couldn’t eat from any tree – in fact, He said have at it! Eat what you want – just stay away from one. The enemy makes it out like God is the big mean dictator depriving Adam and Eve of something good. Eve buys into this deception and takes it a step further. She told the enemy that God said they can’t even touch that tree. (He never said that). So what happened? The serpent deceives for the first time with “did God really say?” Adam and Eve doubted God, ate the fruit. The perfection that God intended for them was gone. Enter sin. Enter death. Enter toil. Enter sickness. Enter pain. Enter family division. Enter murder. Every single negative thing we deal with in our world today stems from disobedience – and the disobedience stems from buying a lie.

Oh let’s not get too upset with poor Eve. We do it every day. When my professor said that the Bible has errors in it – she was saying “did God really say?....” When my classmates was stuck in the 60s and thinking it was Biblical – she was really saying “did God really say… anything besides love and peace.”

The tragic thing is that God put a few rules in place – for our good. So that we could live a good, safe, fulfilling life with Him. Just like a parent who gives their teenager a curfew – its not to exercise authority, it’s to ensure the child’s safety. But our enemy is busy accusing God of being Hitler. And when we can’t imagine a loving God being Hitler, we go the opposite extreme and turn Him into Santa Claus.

Let’s take a hot button issue. Uh-oh – some of you may start to squirm or put up a wall of defense. But let’s look at the facts. Homosexuality. Here is what God says about it:

Lev. 18:22 ‘You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination."
Lev. 20:13 "If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act

Did you catch what God really said? He said it’s a detestable ACT. He detests the ACTION. He dislikes HOMOSEXUALITY.

But our culture hears the enemy saying “did God really say He hates homosexuals??”
NO!!!! God never once said He hates homosexuals. He loves them – just like He loved the prostitutes and the thief that hung next to Him on the cross.

I can give several more examples but I think I have made the point.
It just saddens me when the enemy deceives people with that age old lie. It is even more sad when that lie works with Christians. Think it doesn’t?

Did God really say…. Wives submit to your husbands. Ephesians 5 – Yep, God really said. And God did not specify that it expired in the 1950s.

Did God really say… Woe to those who call evil good and good evil. Isaiah 5:20. Yep – God really said that.

Did God really say… Honor your father and mother…. Even when they forbid you to attend church, like mine did when I was 14. Yep – God really said.

I used that last one on purpose – to drive home a point. See the enemy deceives and causes us to doubt the heart of God. Most of my readers have heard my testimony. When my parents forbid me to go to church, I didn’t understand how God could possibly tell me to obey them. It didn’t make sense. I almost bought the lie of “did God really say..”. Thankfully, I had kind, caring, mature Christians from that church that reinforced it – yes, Raquel, God really said. And if you’re parents said you can’t come – then you cannot come. I obeyed. And after 9 months of obedience – I got a double blessing. My parents miraculously changed their minds, and I not only got to go back to church – I got to attend the church’s high school for my last 3 years. It was like God was saying – “yes, I really said to honor your father and mother. But I also said that obedience brings blessing”.

I didn’t type this blog to be a hell, fire, and brimstone message. I don’t do that – cause if I did I would have to be the first one in line for that hell and fire. I have sin in my life. The only difference is I call it sin – I don’t call it okay.

But here is the Good News. Though my classmate was wrong, the Bible is not all about love and peace, the Bible is a love story. It’s a story of God loving us and desiring a relationship with us – so badly that He sent His Son Jesus – to pay the price for every time we said “did God really say…” and then proceed in disobedience. The wages of sin is death. All of us deserve to die and be eternally separated from God. But we don’t have to. Jesus died our death for us – so that we may live, for eternity, but also in intimate relationship with Him now. All we have to do is accept it for ourselves. If someone has a million dollar debt that they have no way to pay and I have a million dollars and I offer it to them – the debt is not paid with just the offer. Until that person takes the money from my hand to theirs – it remains – an offer.

For my readers who have yet to accept that offer, I am praying for you. Praying that the lies of the enemy will be silenced and the deception that God is either Hitler or Santa Caus will be brought to light and that you will see and know the love God has for you and that you will accept that offer this year.

And for my readers who have already accepted Jesus’s offer for themselves, my prayer is that He would grant us discernment, and keep us from falling into the trap of “did God really say…” Because yes – from Genesis to Revelation… God really said.

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