Friday, June 8, 2012

God Doesn't Think Like We Do

This evening something happened that caused my feelings to get hurt. I was tired and sore and I most likely over-reacted (contain your shock) but I was hurt nonetheless. I cried for just awhile, but I know to take these things to the Lord. When I did, I asked Him why He allows me to go through this. It was not the first time and I am sure He had a lesson for me - and it's a lesson I would like to master so it can stop occuring! As I was praying I heard a the voice of one of dear friends in my head. The voice said: "God doesn't think like we do". I smiled just thinking of my friend and the words calmed me down. So I asked the Lord to give me His perspective on the situation. I felt the Lord say that just as He doesn't think the way I do, other people think differently than I do also. Whether consciously or not, we tend to think that people think like us. We put expectations on them based on our thought process (not theirs) and when those expectations are not met, we get hurt. I trust the heart of God. Therefore, when He sends something my way that I don't understand, I know He means no ill toward me. I think the same goes with those who are close to us. Their heart is good toward us - even if circumstances look different. I appreciate two things about this evening's lesson. First, at my time of need God was there. I called to Him and He answered me. He calmed me first, then He taught me in His loving Fatherly way. Second, the method He used was the words of my wise and Godly friends. I am so grateful that I have chosen friends who are more mature in the Lord than I am. Even in casual chatting, their wisdom is shared with me and God uses it when it's needed. So what started out as hurt, ended in a double blessing. And I am doubly grateful.

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